
On Saturday, April 13, the Smith Office for the Arts (SOFA) presented the first Smith Arts Day, a daylong celebration of the artistic and creative community at Smith College, bringing the arts together—across disciplines and across campus. SOFA invited community members to join in for performances, exhibitions, workshops, 艺术制造活动, and more.

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The event kicked off on Friday night, April 12, with the 澳门葡京博彩软件艺术博物馆的第二个星期五. The festivities continued on Saturday, and campuswide highlights included:

  • 伊娃·迪·海亚特纪念音乐会, presented by the music department
  • Senior Dance Concert, presented by the dance department (票价是5-10美元 澳门葡京博彩软件艺术票房)
  • 放松:拼贴书签 at Hillyer Art Library
  • 澳门葡京博彩软件摇了摇 Romeo & Juliet
  • 澳门葡京博彩软件水龙头合奏工作坊
  • Open rehearsals at Josten Performing Arts Library
  • 互动澳门葡京博彩软件艺术日壁画
  • 乐高打印在设计思维倡议
  • 澳门葡京博彩软件:纸花 with the Office of Student Engagement
  • Bell ringing open house and handbell open rehearsal
  • Open office hours with Kiki Smith ’71 in the costume shop
  • Light Lab Open House in Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts, featuring works by the “Intro to Lighting” class


Julia McWilliams Child ’34 Campus Center, Room 208, noon–5 p.m.
运动中的诗歌:一次合作 between FMS 282: Advanced Filmmaking and PYX 301: Advanced Poetry Writing
Advanced production students interpret poems written in the poetry capstone course, creating an experimental video through visual storytelling, cinematography, and sound design. By employing various cinematic techniques and creative interpretations, students explore the nuanced layers of meaning within poems and offer their unique cinematic perspectives. Anaiis Cisco和Yona Harvey教授.

尼尔森图书馆大厅,上午10点.m.–6 p.m.
Throughout the year, third graders at the Smith College Campus School study rivers. This year, students created watercolors inspired by river observations using techniques to achieve the illusion of depth and movement, and by visiting the Smith College Museum of Art to see how other artists represent these ideas in their work. These paintings on view capture the feeling and flow of the Mill River.

McConnell Hall/Sabin-Reed Hall, third-floor skywalk, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
This commemorative installation displays the lantern slides of physicist Gladys Anslow, educator and researcher at Smith College from 1909–1969. Anslow was the first woman to work on the cyclotron at UC Berkeley, was awarded President Truman’s Certificate of Merit for her leadership in the Office of Scientific Research and Development during World War II, 并帮助创建了澳门葡京博彩软件的健壮的, 跨学科科学项目, which has inspired generations of underrepresented students to pursue careers in science. This display commemorates both her work as a physicist and the mark she made on Smith College.

Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts, lower Gamut/spiral staircase, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
After wiring together a functional lamp as their foundation, students from “Introduction To Lighting Design” created a luminous sculpture that transforms in both shape and form.

Building on practices of participatory and speculative design, the Making Radical Futures Lab is facilitating the co-creation of an illustrated map of the Connecticut River Valley in a future 100 years beyond the fall of capitalism. The map will show diverse visions of local groups that experiment with alternative ways of producing and sharing the things we need, 比如互助网络, 工人合作社, 社区土地信托. This installation will display drawings and stories made by these groups, as well as our in-progress work to synthesize their visions into a shared map of the valley. Visitors will be able to interact with the installation and contribute their own perspective on the visions displayed.


与WOZQ合作, 校园广播电台, take 10 minutes to get out of your head and into the mood to be creative—celebrate Smith Arts Day with style!

Times & Locations

1 p.m.校园中心草坪
3:30 p.m.校园中心草坪
5 p.m.校园中心草坪


不知道该去哪里? Check out the campus map 找到你的快乐之路.


澳门葡京博彩软件植物园,111室,a.m.–3 p.m.
来花一天的时间与植物生理学, Art, and Community Engagement (PLACE) Lab to observe art on display and engage in interactive art-based activities to connect with our natural environment. The PLACE Lab investigates how plants interact with the changing world, implements art to engage with and communicate what we are learning, and collaborates with local communities to make science more inclusive and accessible for students from underrepresented and undersupported backgrounds.


Josten Library Mezzanine, 10 a.m.–4 p.m.
Josten Library is hosting open rehearsals with select campus and community groups throughout Smith Arts Day. Groups include the Ukulele Strum Group (from the Saturday morning practice at Forbes Library) from 10 a.m. to noon, Smith’s own Blackappella and POCappella groups from noon to 2 p.m., and Shape-Note Singers (from the Western Massachusetts Sacred Harp Community) from 2 to 4 p.m. Participation is welcome and encouraged; rehearsals are beginner friendly.


Hillyer Hall,三楼,10街.m.–4 p.m.
Visit the Smith College Imaging Center and check out a few special installations for Smith Arts Day, including a macro photography exhibition of images taken by the center for special collections, geology, Asian studies, and archives; student work in the critique room; student video work in the 320 lab; and an exhibition of digital projects and vintage equipment (lantern slides, plaster casts, etc.)用来研究艺术和艺术史. If you have time, visit the first floor of Hillyer for a virtual reality display of the Porticus of Livia recreation area, developed by the center with Barbara Kellum and her STRIDE student, Emma Civello ’24. 

10-Minute Play: 海上的风俗

Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts, Acting Studio 1, 11 a.m.
The Smith College Student Theatre Committee (STC) presents 海上的风俗, a student-written and produced 10-minute play from STC’s 10-Minute Play Festival. Custom 是关于四个水手的, 船失事,在公海上漂流, who must take drastic action if they have any hope of survival. Content warnings include violence, blood, and death.


门登霍尔钟楼,上午11:30.m.–12:30 p.m.
Come see and ring the bells in the Mendenhall Bell Tower! (Enter near the bike rack in the Mendenhall courtyard and turn left.) Change ringing is a centuries-old English tradition of ringing bells in various patterns, using bells that weigh hundreds of pounds and swing full circle. At this open house, 你会被邀请去看铃铛的, 试着给他们打电话, and observe more experienced students ring in patterns.


The class will be geared toward beginners, but tappers of all levels are encouraged to come! We’ll learn some basic tap steps and then put them together into a fun combo. No experience or tap shoes necessary, and all ages are welcome! Spots available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Design Thinking Initiative at Capen Annex, 12:30–3:30 p.m.
Learn how to make a print with lego tiles at the Design Thinking Initiative.


Kiki Smith ’71, 戏剧与服装设计教授, will have an open studio in the basement of the theatre building. She will share the progress of work in the costume shop on her designs for Everybody, the final department production of the academic year, featuring the production of the costumes done by students. She will also have the workshop for the Smith College Historic Clothing Collection open, where she can show items from the collection here that will be on exhibit in the New-York Historical Society starting on October 1 this fall. The collection, founded by a student, is supported by student interns and research assistants.


Come and leave your mark on the first collaborative Smith Arts Day mural, which will be a lasting visible marker of this year’s event and will commemorate this special celebration of the arts on campus.


定制您自己的SmithArts铅笔袋! Supplies provided.

艺术体验@ SCMA

Explore the Smith College Museum of Art with SCMA’s Student Museum Educators (SME). Join us for a participatory experiences with art led by SMEs, who will also share what it is like to work in the art museum as a Smith student. Look closely, draw, write, and talk about art on all four floors of the museum! Open to all. 在SCMA大厅见面.


环境中心, Ecological Design, 和可持续发展(CEEDS), 赖特大厅下层, 2–3 p.m.
在2023年秋天, the students of ENG 318: American Poetry and Social Movements embarked on a hands-on ecopoetic making workshop at the MacLeish Field Station with poet-scholar Margaret Ronda. The workshop, 叫做“生态学:注意力”, Contact, Action,” built on readings throughout the course to culminate in a “day of making.” Using a series of guided prompts focusing their attention on their embodied perceptions of the environment at the MacLeish Field Station, students developed creative work and critical reflections—both of which will be on display at this event.


Mendenhall Bell Tower (or outside if the weather is nice), 2–3 p.m.
Change ringing is a style of bell ringing that uses mathematical patterns rather than melodies. It’s often done using large tower bells, but it is also done using handbells. Because it takes less time to learn how to physically ring handbells, you can dive right into learning some of the patterns. All are welcome to come to this practice and try change ringing for the first time!


Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts, T209/Light Lab, 2–3 p.m.
这个班分为三组,每组三人. Each group lights a sculpture (created by a former Smith student in the art department) set to a piece of music of their choice.

  • 2 p.m.: 神秘之城 by Frankie McRedmond, Crash, Quin Berfield-Brewer
  • 2:20 p.m.: Epic for Sanity 作者:里德·肖、克莱尔·肖、莎拉·莫克科
  • 2:40 p.m.: The Escape 作者:Dana Willette, Ruth Andrews, Kathleen Green

Open Focus Call

Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts, Hallie Flanagan Studio Theatre, 2–3 p.m.
Lighting designer Via Sussman ‘26 works with student electricians (THE 200, THE 253, 工作研究)聚焦灯光 Everybody, the third mainstage production of the 2023–24 season, produced by the Department of Theatre.


Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts, Theatre 14 lobby, 2–5 p.m.
拿一个令人垂涎的SmithArts手提袋, featuring the hand-drawn picture of the Grécourt Gates by Rose Metting ‘12.


Step into Smith Arts Day with our “放松:拼贴书签” workshop with local collage artist Michael Sjostedt. Take a creative intermission from studying and join us in Hillyer Art Library to create up to six bookmarks, 听一些曲调, 在期末考试前减压! Space is limited to 25 people—first come, first served.


四分之一响需要6到8个响者, 每人用一根绳子控制一个钟, ringing the bells in different orders for about 40 minutes. (这相当于铃声者的5公里长跑!如果你站着或坐在外面, 门登霍尔钟楼附近, you will hear the sound of the bells as the Smith ringers go through these patterns.

Romeo and Juliet,由澳门葡京博彩软件·雪克斯(Smith Shakes)介绍

斯托达德礼堂,晚上7:30.m. (晚上7点开门.m.)
What if your first true love was someone you’d been told to hate? Ripped apart by the bitter divisions of their parents, two young people will risk everything to be together. The most famous story of love at first sight explodes with intense passion and an irresistible desire for change.


The Smith College Department of Music presents the 2024 伊娃·迪·海亚特纪念音乐会. The Smith College Glee Club and Alumnae Chorus present a concert featuring excerpts from 《四季民歌 by Ralph Vaughan Williams and the local premiere of 乌克兰摇篮曲 维多利亚·弗雷泽10年. 乔纳森·赫什和佩吉·格雷厄姆将指挥. 免费向公众开放.

高级舞蹈音乐会: Evocations

斯科特健身房舞蹈工作室,下午5点.m. and 7 p.m.
Tickets required
The Smith College Department of Dance presents the Senior Dance Concert, 以迪安娜·波诺莫洛的编舞为特色, Radha Consiglio, Emma Frank, Mara Kelly, Ashton Lane, Emma Lawrence, and Drew Rivera. 门票价格为5-10美元 澳门葡京博彩软件艺术票房


澳门葡京博彩软件的电台WOZQ 91.9 presents THUS LOVE and Sword II live in concert on the quad.  免费向公众开放.


Julia McWilliams Child ’34 Campus Center 203, 9–11 p.m.
Join the Office of Student Engagement for paper-flower making. Open to all regardless of experience, supplies provided. 只对学生开放. (The Campus Center doors will be locked to the public at 7 p.m.)


麦康奈尔大厅大厅,北路10号.m.–5 p.m.
In 巴士:一个在路上的老师, Smith College visiting professor and Joan Leiman Jacobson Writer-in-Residence Russ Rymer presents an essay in photographs and wall text about the nature of reality and perception, and the conjoined arts of science and writing—all told through Rymer’s experience commuting to Northampton on the intercity bus. The 10 images in the show—shot with a rudimentary camera during those commutes and blown up to an enormous size—capture the magical light show infusing his bus rides, which Rymer likens to “blasting through space in a kaleidoscope.” Presented by Smith Office for the Arts in partnership with the Department of English Language and Literature and the Clark Science Center.

Smith College Botanic Garden, Lyman Church Gallery, 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
This exhibit explores Plath’s interactions with Lyman, 她在澳门葡京博彩软件大学学习植物学的时间, and how those experiences influenced the botanical images and symbolism that run throughout her work. Using archival materials from the college’s special collections and Plath’s literary work as a guide, visitors to this exhibit are invited to inhabit Lyman as Plath once did and explore Plath’s botanical imagination through the arts, humanities, and sciences.

Julia McWilliams Child ’34 Campus Center, Nolen Art Lounge, 9 a.m.–7 p.m.
This is an open invitation to be part of a conversation that dispels assumptions and surfaces a renewed relationship with the word “menopause.” Explore the forces that tie us to conventionality and patriarchal tropes associated with menopause and how probing the uncomfortable with curiosity and courage can spur further conversation and growth. Fifteen contributors ranging in age from 38 to 79 years old were interviewed for this piece. The people involved all had a different life experience and are in varying stages of menopause, resulting in different and intriguing opinions and perspectives on the topic. This multimedia exhibit by Margaret Parks ’24 is an opportunity for participants to explore and develop their relationship with the subject of menopause and be a part of the conversation. Visitors are welcome to walk around the space and delicately probe the objects. 

尼尔森图书馆,下层画廊墙,10a.m.–6 p.m.
View the installation by Ava Harper ’24J and Celosía Willison ’24—the winners of the 2023–24 Amplify Public Art Competition sponsored by the Wurtele Center for Leadership. This year, Smith Office for the Arts and the Smith Libraries partnered to issue a call for proposals for public art projects in response to the exhibition 激进的愿景:抗议海报的艺术去年秋天在画廊的墙上展出.

Hillyer Hall, Oresman Gallery, 9a.m.–7 p.m.
Gaye Chan is a conceptual artist who moves between solo and collaborative activities that take place on the web, in publications, 作为街头表演的一部分, 在传统画廊里. This exhibition is a durational project she began in 2012 that stemmed from a chance encounter at a produce distribution company. Intending to get a case of overripe tomatoes to make sauce, she noticed heaps of baling straps—used once and discarded into the waste stream. Unable to simply walk away, Chan gave herself the task of figuring out how to reuse them. 十一年之后,我送了一千多个篮子, she continues to extend the life of this “waste” material.

Hillyer Hall, Jannotta Gallery,上午11点.m.–4 p.m.
This group exhibition by students in ARS 390: Senior Studio II includes senior studio art majors Gabrielle Coello, Miranda Gibson, Valerie Olivares, Victoria Partakki, Taylor Wells, and Jade Wong.

The Smith College Museum of Art (SCMA) is recognized as a leading academic museum, contributing meaningfully to Smith College’s mission to educate women of promise for lives of distinction and purpose. 我们欢迎各位来宾, including students, staff, faculty, and community from the region and around the world. 博物馆的藏品 represents the diversity of art and material culture across periods and geographies.

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