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Environmental Concentration

The Environmental Concentration provides an experiential framework to support students in the exploration of issues related to the environment, ecological design, 可持续发展贯穿整个学院的各个学科. The concentration enables students to weave together formal and informal learning opportunities as a way of bridging theory and practice in support of environmental decisions and action. 在学术顾问的支持下, students will shape a topical area of inquiry of their choosing to define their environmental concentration. The possibilities are endless!

ENX Updates

我们下一个申请截止日期是 October 16, 2024. Please apply here.

Requirements & Courses

Learning Goals


  1. 汇集来自不同领域的知识和数据, 包括他们自己的纪律镜头, 在解决环境问题的统一背景下

  2. Learn to see environmental issues from multiple perspectives by interacting with faculty, staff, alumnae, other students, 以及不同背景的社区成员, experiences, and knowledge, 通过入门课程和实习

  3. Develop skills in communicating, listening, and self-reflection to facilitate decisions and action

  4. Engage in substantive environmental work on internships and on interdisciplinary teams in the capstone experience


ENX 100 Environment and Sustainability: Notes from the Field (1 Credit)

This 1-credit lecture series introduces students to theory and practice in fields related to the environment, 可持续发展与气候变化. Students gain insight into how their liberal arts education and skills in critical thinking and analysis apply to a variety of environmental issues and sustainability contexts. Speakers, 包括杰出的校友, 是从这五所学院中选出的, the Pioneer Valley and beyond. S/U only. 这门课可以重修以获得学分.


ENX 218 Natural Resource Conservation and Restoration (4 Credits)

This integrative course explores the conservation and restoration of forest ecosystems. Topics include past land use history and its effect on current forest composition, evaluating forest ecological properties including keystone resources and species, 生态系统恢复的理论与实际应用, 以及保护区的设计和管理. 资源节约的法律法规框架, 保护措施的激励和执行, 与地方选区合作也在考虑之列. Held at MacLeish Field Station, the laboratory portion of the class provides hands on experience in data collection, 测绘和恢复生境. 限制:不向一年级学生开放. Enrollment limited to 11. (E)


ENX 301 Seminar: Environmental Concentration Capstone (4 Credits)

限制:仅限大三和大四学生. Enrollment limited to 15. Instructor permission required.


ENX 400专业研究(1-4学分)

Instructor permission required.

Fall, Spring

Crosslisted Courses

IDP 132设计你的道路(1学分)

这门课是为刚开始澳门葡京博彩软件之旅的学生开设的, 出国旅行的出国旅行或从国外旅行归来的, weaving their interests through a concentration or self-designed major, or wrestling with expressing what a Smith education has prepared them to do. 学生测试自己设计的不同整合路径, tell their own story and create a digital portfolio to showcase their work. Students learn to articulate connections between their work in and outside of the classroom and explain how Smith is preparing them to engage with the world beyond. S/U only. Enrollment limited to 12.

Fall, Spring, Variable

IDP 232阐明你的道路(1学分)

本课程适用于已完成课程的学生 IDP 132 or another Smith experience that allowed for reflection on curricular and experiential work, values and goals. Students begin to look outward. 在回顾和评估重要的学习经验之后, students conduct qualitative interviews to gain a multidimensional understanding of their discipline in the world. 学生们同时创建一个“个人教学大纲”,这是对保持和追求好奇心的反思. Finally, they make a narrative digital portfolio and gain experience with public voice through an op-ed, TED演讲或其他媒体. S/U only. Enrollment limited to 12.

Fall, Spring, Variable

LSS 100景观、环境与设计(2学分)

Through readings and a series of lectures by Smith faculty and guests, this course examines the history and influences out of which landscape studies is emerging. The course looks at the relationship of this new field with literary and cultural studies, art, art history, landscape architecture, history, 生物与环境科学. What is landscape studies? Where does it come from? Why is it important? How does it relate to, for instance, landscape painting and city planning? 它是如何将政治和审美议程联系起来的? What is its role in current sustainability debates and initiatives among architects, landscape architects, planners and engineers? 学生可以修两次这门课以获得学分. S/U only. {A}{H}{S}


Environmental Concentration

Interested students may apply to the environmental concentration after declaring a major, and are strongly encouraged to satisfy the gateway course requirement before they apply. 该应用程序可在我们的 website



  1. One gateway course: ENX 100 or LSS 100
  2. 四门学术核心课程 at least two of the three divisions (humanities, social sciences and natural sciences). These courses are chosen in consultation with an adviser and come from among the many courses offered across the curriculum. 
  3. One course in path-making, approved by the environmental concentration directors and taken after the student has been accepted into the environmental concentration
  4. Two applied experiences, which can include internships, projects on campus, volunteer or paid work. Each practical experience must include at least 100 documented hours of work and be approved by the academic adviser. 强烈鼓励合作和国际经验.
  5. One capstone course: ENX 301,在学生学习的最后一年完成.


每学年只招收15名学生. Sophomores, juniors and Ada Comstock Scholars are encouraged to apply. 学生的选择是基于学习成绩的, intentionality and commitment, and diversity of the cohort.

Practical Experiences

Practical experiences are an integral part of the Environmental Concentration; they provide opportunities to integrate the knowledge gained from various courses in support of work related to the environment and the concentration, and to learn from and critically reflect upon those experiences outside of the classroom in a way that enhances your course of study at Smith.

Practical experiences may include internships and paid or volunteer work that aligns with your topical focus. To fulfill your requirements, you must complete two distinct practical experiences.

Minimum Requirements

You will complete two different practical experiences to fulfill the requirements for the concentration. Each internship, volunteer or work experience must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Consist of 100 hours of work—roughly equivalent to a semester-long campus commitment or a 2.5-week full-time internship. (In some situations, a work experience may be concomitant with academic study that bears credit. The work component should be distinct and, on its own, satisfy the 100-hour minimum.)
  • 注重实质性的、基于内容的工作.
  • 在你到达澳门葡京博彩软件后进行.
  • 得到你的专注顾问的认可.

Receiving Credit


  1. 和你的注意力顾问讨论你的计划. Then apply for 通过拉撒路职业发展中心获得实习学分. 对于资助实习,学生只需要申请学分. 通常没有资金的实习, students may apply for Praxis with credit or Praxis Plus with credit, whichever is appropriate. 
  2. In your application be sure to indicate that the internship is for the concentration. Be sure to list your faculty adviser for the concentration as your adviser (not your major adviser), and Joanne Benkley as the concentration director in your application. Praxis Plus eligibility forms- the Concentration Director Confirmation- should be sent to Joanne Benkley.


With your adviser's approval, a practical experience completed before entering the Environmental Concentration may be accepted provided that it consisted of at least 100 hours and took place after your senior year of high school and within two years of matriculating at Smith. 请咨询你的注意力集中顾问, and then document your experience by completing the 实践经验批准表格 retroactively with your concentration adviser soon after you have been accepted into the concentration.

Additional Course Information

Gateway Course

Choose one:

  • ENX 100: Environment and Sustainability: Notes from the Field (1 credit/offered each year)
  • LSS 100: Landscape, Environment, Design (2 credits/offered each year)

The Gateway Course may be taken prior to admittance to the concentration and is typically completed before senior year.

Path-Making Course

IDP 132: Designing Your Path
IDP 232: Articulating Your Path

These courses are intended to support students to develop self-agency in framing the area of their intellectual inquiry. Students must complete this requirement after they have been accepted into the concentration and normally after they have completed at least one practical experience. Students who choose to take IDP 132 prior to joining the concentration should plan to take IDP 232 to meet the program requirements.

Academic Core

和你的顾问商量一下, you must choose four classes from among the many courses offered within the Five Colleges that connect with your concentration focus. Courses must span at least two of the three divisions: humanities; social sciences and history; and natural sciences and engineering. It is expected that you will take at least two of the core courses in semesters after admittance to the concentration.

Capstone Course


This senior seminar course brings concentrators together as a cohort to engage in a community and team-based capstone project. It is designed to complement the core courses students take for their focus by providing a deeper experience.

Advisory Committee

Joanne Benkley

Environmental Science & Policy


Andrew Berke


Associate Professor of Chemistry; Co-Director of Environmental Concentration

Andrew Berke

Javier Puente

Latin American & Latino/a Studies

Associate Professor of Latin American and Latino/a Studies; Chair of Latin American and Latino/a Studies

Javier Puente

Paul Wetzel

Environmental Concentration

Curriculum & Research Administrator

Placeholder Image

Gregory White


Mary Huggins Gamble Professor of Government; Chair of Environmental Science and Policy

Gregory White


Declaration of Concentration

Students who have been accepted into the concentration and received their adviser’s name need to fill out the
→ 学习计划声明表.
This is the last step in making the concentration official in Workday.

Practical Experience Forms

After discussing a proposed practical experience with their advisers, students must complete the corresponding practical experience approval form in order to have the experience count towards the concentration requirements:

  • 暑期实习(100学时以上)→ Internship Credit Application
    All students undertaking a summer internship of at least 100 hours are eligible to receive academic credit (0.每个经验值25个学分)将出现在他们的成绩单上. All concentration students preparing to undertake a paid internship should complete this form. Students completing an unpaid internship who are applying for Praxis funding support should use the “Praxis with Credit” form. See below.
  • 无薪暑期实习(220小时及以上)→ Praxis with Credit Application
    All Smith students are eligible to receive a stipend payment for one normally unpaid internship through the Praxis program at the Lazarus Center. These internships must take place during the summer, and must comprise at least 220 working hours. 在申请实习时, the applicant must specify if the internship counts towards a concentration and should fill out the “Praxis with Credit” application.  
    Students in Concentrations are eligible to apply for Praxis a second time - Praxis Plus. Students applying for Praxis Plus should be in touch with Concentration Director Joanne Benkley about any required Praxis forms (e.g. 浓度主任填写表格).
  • 其他实习和实践经历
    Students whose internships do not meet the above requirements because they take place during Interterm, during the school year, or for any other reason, 应该填写下面的表格吗.
    实习开始前,请先填写 → 实践经验批准表格.
    实习经验完成后,请填写  实践经验填写表格.
  • 可追溯的经验积分
    Students who completed a practical experience relevant to the concentration prior to being accepted into the cohort should discuss the experience with their concentration adviser as soon as possible after being accepted into the concentration. 一旦经验被认可, 在学期结束前他们就加入了, students must fill out the → 实践经验填写表格. 一定要勾选表单上的“回溯性体验”复选框.


Students are required to submit a completed Concentration Advising Checklist at the start of their final semester. This form documents the completed components of the concentration requirements, 并且必须由学生的注意力指导老师签名. 填妥的表格须送交注册主任办事处(,以及联络浓度行政协调员(



In the past, students have completed Environmental Concentration practical experiences based on the following topics:

  • sustainable food
  • environmental justice
  • environmental education
  • sustainable development
  • environmental humanities
  • art and the environment
  • environmental journalism
  • climate science 
  • environmental diplomacy
  • agricultural economics


In the past, students have completed Environmental Concentration practical experiences based on the following topics:

  • sustainable food
  • environmental justice
  • environmental education
  • sustainable development
  • environmental humanities
  • art and the environment
  • environmental journalism
  • climate science 
  • environmental diplomacy
  • agricultural economics


Next application deadline is October 16, 2024. 我们确实在滚动的基础上考虑申请, 所以,如果你在这个循环之外,让我们知道你的兴趣. 随时欢迎你的到来 Joanne Benkley with questions. 

To apply to the Environmental Concentration, log in and fill out the online application. 你可以在大二或大三的时候申请这个专业.


Contact CEEDS

Wright Hall 005

Smith College

Northampton, MA 01063