

在我们与学生的合作中, faculty, 和工作人员, the Wurtele领导力中心 embraces and advocates for a collaborative approach to leadership. We strive to empower members of the Smith community with an understanding that they can lead from any vantage point, 无论他们是否拥有地位权力. 同时, we recognize and seek to dismantle the power structures that produce inequities in leadership. 我们设计工作坊, programs, talks, 与其他校园单位的合作关系, and other learning experiences that encourage participants to understand themselves (ME) and collaborate productively with others (WE) in order to apply their knowledge and lead change (IMPACT).

Wurtele中心也是The 协同创新集中(CIX).

我们的使命是让澳门葡京博彩软件社区的所有成员都具备创造力, courage, and collaborative capacity to lead positive change at scales both large and small.


Wurtele中心有了新家! Slated to open in 2025 and posed to be one of the most energy-efficient buildings on campus, 凯瑟琳·麦卡特尼音乐厅将是可持续发展的, 包容, welcoming, 也是一个鼓舞人心的职业发展和领导力培训中心. 

With a “purpose-driven design,” the building will enable direct collaboration between the Lazarus and Wurtele中心 第一次.



1967年玛格丽特·沃特勒和她已故的丈夫送的礼物, 安格斯Wurtele, has enabled Smith to further distinguish itself as the preeminent college for women’s leadership.



Amplify是一项为您提供获得技能的机会的倡议, coaching and platform you need to share your knowledge and perspectives with a public audience. The program 最终有机会将您的作品提交给Amplify竞赛.




Leading collaboratively necessitates that we foster self-awareness and embrace the productive tensions associated with working in diverse groups to create better outcomes.



要实现积极的改变,我们就必须承担风险,努力工作, 建立创意自信, and practicing resilience in the face of failure and adversity as we build our leadership practice.



Forging, evolving and pursuing a sense of purpose that is both personally meaningful and of service beyond the self is a necessary element of leading collaboratively towards the impact we seek to have in the world.

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Speaking up and amplifying the voices of those who have been pushed to the margins is essential to true collaborative leadership and central to the project of tackling inequitable power structures.



Engaging in leadership from a place of humility and curiosity allows us to work collaboratively to create equitable and human-centered solutions to complex, 紧急问题.


协同创新的合作伙伴康威创新 & 创业中心, 设计思维倡议, 反思性实践, 和Wurtele中心的共同使命是帮助学生发展代理能力, 采取有目的的行动, 并反思他们的旅程. 这些单位共同赞助 协同创新集中(CIX).

由四个小三角形组成的三角形的信息图, 标注康威中心, Wurtele中心, 与设计思维计划. 第四个三角形在中心,代表协同创新. 在整个图像周围画一个圆圈,标记为反思性实践.




Erin is a Smithie who trained as a historian and has since used her critical thinking skills as an educator and facilitator of leadership development and institutional change work. 在2019年来到澳门葡京博彩软件之前, 她曾担任Leadership+Design的高级合伙人, a nonprofit consultancy working to transform K-12 education through developing educational leaders’ capacity as change agents and human-centered designers. 在L+D工作之前, she served as dean of faculty and history instructor at a New England boarding school. 艾琳拥有博士学位.D. in history from the University of Pennsylvania; her dissertation research explored the work of a group of visual artists who understood themselves as activists for racial and economic justice in the mid-20th century United States.



Curiosity, collaboration and human-centered design have been at the heart of Megan’s 15 years of work in higher education. 最近, she served as the instructional designer for experiential learning in the Center for 社区 Engagement at Amherst College, where she worked with faculty across disciplines to design and facilitate community-based and project-based learning. 在那之前, Megan taught courses and supported independent student work in social entrepreneurship at Hampshire College. 她的学位是B.A. from Hampshire College with a concentration in family and developmental psychology, and an M.A. 在普雷斯科特学院主修教育.



安妮的成绩是B.A. 从威尔斯学院获得心理学硕士学位.S. 在卡尼修斯学院从事大学生人事管理. 接受过社会正义调解和群体间对话方面的培训, 安妮做了一些工作,为探索身份提供空间, 公平正义. 她在学生事务方面有十年的经验, specifically residence life and most recently managing the BOLD Women’s Leadership Network. She believes in the need for creating opportunities for students and the campus to engage at the intersection of human-centered design and leading for social justice/change.



Silas helps coordinate a collaborative approach to leading positive change at a large scale, 从离家近的小地方开始. 最近, he worked on regulatory and political issues in the professional services and foundation sectors for the Brunswick Group. 在那之前, Silas researched federal workforce priorities at the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress. 他的学历是B。.A. 南方大学政治与美国研究硕士.



Sarah worked for 15 years in the frenetic world of magazine publishing in New York City before moving to Northampton in 2017. She developed her creative thinking and organizational skills through roles as a photo editor/producer and studio manager. Her appreciation for collaborative leadership and social innovation began with her upbringing in the Quaker community of Barnesville, Ohio, 并继续在厄勒姆学院学习, 她在哪里得了B.A. 在摄影中. Sarah values developing meaningful working relationships and has been learning the importance of strength, 在近10年的冲浪尝试中,坚韧和快乐.


我们的使命是让澳门葡京博彩软件社区的所有成员都具备创造力, courage and collaborative capacity to lead positive change at scales both large and small. 在2019-20学年, the Wurtele领导力中心 undertook a comprehensive strategic planning project using an approach inspired by Human-Centered Design.


2023-24 Wurtele中心亮点

“Leading well means recognizing the role we as individuals can courageously play in galvanizing those around us, and facilitating work towards collective impact in the midst of precarious and ever-changing circumstances.” 
——erin Park Cohn, Wurtele中心主任



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