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Urban Studies

城市是自然环境——它们是社会环境、经济现象和政治舞台. 对这些复杂社会结构的理解只能来自于超越任何单一学科狭隘视角的分析. 城市研究辅修课程为学生提供了一个从不同角度研究城市化进程和问题的机会. 它的设计具有足够的灵活性,允许学生在许多可能的组合中进行选择, 但需要一个人至少经历三种不同的学科方法.

Requirements & Courses

Urban Studies Minor

城市研究辅修课程为学生提供了一个从不同角度研究城市化进程和问题的机会. 它的设计具有足够的灵活性,允许学生在许多可能的组合中进行选择, 但要求他们至少经历三种不同的学科方法.


Six courses from at least three different departments or programs. 在其他五个学院校区开设的课程可以包括在辅修课程中, with the approval of one of the advisers. 在本页的“课程”选项卡下可以找到澳门葡京博彩软件认可课程的示例列表. However, 每个学生都将在辅修导师的帮助下精心设计自己的辅修课程,其中可能包括不在此列表中的课程. 每门课程开设的年份和学期请咨询院系.

Crosslisted Courses

ANT 257 Urban Anthropology (4 Credits)

本课程认为城市既是人类学研究的背景,也是民族志本身的研究对象. 本课程旨在批判性地思考理论和方法的可能性, 城市人类学带来的挑战和限制. Students consider concepts and themes such as urbanization and migration; urban space and mobility; gender, race and ethnicity; technology and virtual space; markets and economies; citizenship and belonging; and production and consumption. Enrollment limited to 40. {S}

Fall, Spring, Alternate Years

ARH 212 Ancient Cities and Sanctuaries (4 Credits)

本课程探讨了古代近东城市和圣殿生活的许多不同方面, Egypt, Greece, Etruria and Rome. Recurrent themes include urbanism, landscapes and patterns of worship, including initiation, sacrifice and pilgrimage. 这门课探讨了世俗和神圣的现代观念如何影响解读,以及有时对伊希斯的崇拜或城市中商业和家庭空间的并置于一起的看似最反常的特征如何可能被证明是最能揭示另一个地方和时间的生活的. Counts for ARU. {A}{H}

Fall, Spring, Variable

ARH 285pm Topics: Great Cities-Pompeii (4 Credits)

对古城的思考:建筑、绘画、雕塑和日常生活用品. Women and freed people as patrons of the arts are emphasized. 重新发现庞贝的影响及其作为18世纪灵感来源的作用, 19th-, and 20th-century art is discussed. No prerequisite. {A}{H}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EDC 200 Critical Perspectives in the City (4 Credits)

本课程探讨了美国城市学校所面临的挑战是如何与社会问题交织在一起的, 城市环境内的经济和政治状况. 关键问题是:当与青年的社会环境有关的问题经常对教与学构成重大障碍时,教育工作者和决策者如何努力为青年提供高质量的教育经验? Using relevant social theory to guide the analyses, 学生们通过观察高风险考试等政策驱动的举措,在宏观层面调查学校改革的努力, vouchers and privatization, and at the local level by exploring the work of teachers, parents, youth workers and reformers. Fieldwork opportunities are available for students. Enrollment limited to 35.


EDC 336rm研讨会:美国教育主题-教育研究方法(4学分)

本课程通过两个主要活动介绍教育研究方法:(1)讨论受建构主义和社会文化理论启发的教育研究中的分析方法和理论模型, (2)参与校园教师对学习的问询指导下的研究项目. 学生与教师组成研究小组,定期就他们的合作项目提供和接受反馈. 学生研究小组通过制定研究计划和观察来支持他们的老师, documenting, analyzing and reporting on aspects of classroom learning. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only. Enrollment limited to 12. Instructor permission required.

Fall, Alternate Years

GOV 271 Colloquium: Global Cities (4 Credits)

本课程研究世界各地不同的城市经验. 该课程介绍了城市化的过程,并解决了城市化之间的复杂关系, globalization and inequality. Throughout the course, 学生们探索一系列的案例研究,以提供具体的例子来说明不同的城市,如伦敦, New York, Berlin, Shanghai, 斯德哥尔摩和伊斯坦布尔对全球化的反应是关注不同的主题,如流行病, migration and urban movements. In addition to the academic literature, 学生利用报纸和电影来阐述城市生活的承诺和政治困境. Designation: Comparative, International Relations. Enrollment limited to 24. (E) {S}

Fall, Spring, Alternate Years


Survey of the major economic, political and social changes of this period, primarily through the lens of race, class and gender, 了解普通人在塑造重大事件中的作用, including industrial capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, mass immigration and migration, urbanization, the rise of mass culture, nationalism, war, feminism, labor radicalism, 民权运动和其他争取社会公正的解放运动. Enrollment limited to 40. {H}

Fall, Spring, Variable

Additional Course Information

辅修课程包括以下列表中的六门课程,但必须包含至少三个不同部门或专业的选择. 在其他五个学院校区开设的课程可以包括在辅修课程中, with the approval of one of the advisers.

Africana Studies

  • AFR 245 The Harlem Renaissance


  • ANT 257 Urban Anthropology


  • ARH 212 Ancient Cities and Sanctuaries
  • ARH 250 Building Baroque Europe
  • ARH 266 Architecture in the United States of America
  • ARH 283 Architecture Since 1945 
  • ARH 285 Great Cities
  • ARS 388高级建筑:复杂场所,多重空间


  • ECO 230 Urban Economics


  • EDC 200 Education in the City

Environmental Science and Policy

  • ENV 237 Seminar: Environmental Justice in an Urbanizing World


  • GOV 204 Urban Politics
  • GOV 271 Global Cities


  • HST 267 United States Since 1877

Landscape Studies

  • LSS 230 Urban Landscapes
  • LSS 315 Urban Ecological Design


  • SOC 213 Race and National Identity in the United States
  • SOC 214美国拉美裔加勒比社区社会学
  • SOC 218 Urban Sociology


Efadul Huq

Environmental Science & Policy

Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy

Sam Intrator

Education & Child Study

Elizabeth A. Woodson 1922 Professor of Education & Child Study

Sam Intrator

Contact Urban Studies

Wright Hall 129

Smith College

Northampton, MA 01063

Phone: 413-585-3572 Email:

Administrative Assistant: 

David Osepowicz

Program Director: Steven Moga



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